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As if things weren't bad enough, AbuseCartoons.com just had a harddrive die on us. As we mourn the passing of our data and scramble to rebuild the website, please excuse the mess.

The biggest loss in this tragedy is our beloved eBuse list. If you have signed up for eBuse you may no longer be on the list. So please RESUBSCRIBE ABOVE to keep in touch with AbuseCartoons.com. Sorry for the hassle of re-subscription, but this, like most tragedy is not without tears, anger and above all hassle.

I really value every fan of Domestic Abuse and want to keep you up to date on all news and events. So please take a sec and see if you are still on the list.

Abusively Yours,

Thanks to everyone who stopped by and purchased books and other paraphenalia from me at the Comic-con in San Diego. It was really great to meet fans of the Domestic Abuse (that doesn't sound right) face-to-face and also make some new ones. The small press pavillion has some of the best (and admittedly some of the worst) artists at the show. If you didn't get a ch
ance to stop by look for me next year.

The online store is finally up and running on Abusecartoons.com (http://www.abusecartoons.com/store/). Most everything from the show is available now on the website with the exception of t-shirts. But coming soon I will hopefully have an "any cartoon on any t-shirt" option. Huge thanks to Kelly for being my charming and lovely guinea pig and first customer.

Domestic Abuse is in print! Okay, not regularly and kind of just as an advertisement but IN COLOR. The beautiful and talented Paige Braddock, cartoonist and creator of Jane's World (http://www.comics.com/comics/janesworld/) discovered Domestic Abuse at APE in San Francisco this year. She then offered me the spot on the back cover of her latest issue of Jane's World #15. Thank you so much for the exposure, Paige! Check out a preview of this momentous occasion:


Domestic Abuse is copyright ©2002-2006 Jeremy Lambros.
All reproduction and distribution is restricted.